Club Updates

The Barnes Coaches bowls trophy will be competed for by the Cricklade Bowls Club and the Octagon team in the inaugural friendly match tonight Friday 4th August 2023 at 18:30.
The venue is the Cricklade club's green in Bath Road Cricklade, next to the fire station.
This is a social event and the bar will be open during the evening.
Update from Liz Sherman 5th August 2023
The first match between the Cricklade Bowls Club (CBC) and the Octagon team competing for the Barnes Coaches Trophy which will now become an annual event was a closely fought game with CBC winning by the narrowest of a single point margin.
The match was followed by food and a raffle then the cup was presented for the first time by the CBC chairman Brian Uthgenannt to Cricklade's Mick Sherman. Thanks went to those ladies who had prepared the food and the others involved in making the evening a success. The club looks forward to repeating this event next year.
Paul Coleman writes
We were hoping for two weeks of practice before our first match but instead we got rain, rain and more rain. Early matches were cancelled due to rain, rain and more rain. I remember my first game of the season and several others thinking is this what thirty two old men should be doing standing around in the cold and damp playing marbles !
Games last for over two hours and each player bowls forty times if you include trial ends. A fair bit of walking is included but never enough to get warm and if you run someone will call out, “No running on the green !”
And then the sun comes out and it all becomes worthwhile .
You win a few games and it all becomes worthwhile .
You renew old friendships with a drink and it all becomes worthwhile .
So how are we doing based on our preseason hopes and aspirations ? We wanted to win the S&D rinks league and so far we are undefeated . We wanted to maintain our place in the triples first division and we have won 2 out of 3 . We wanted to make sure everyone who paid £85 got a regular game if they wanted it and as far as I know this is happening . If you disagree please let me know. We have won half our games in the Wilts league division two (where we want to stay ) and 2 out of 5 in the triples division six where we will stay (no division seven ).
So far so good
Paul Coleman Club Men's Captain 23 May 2023